Policies and Procedures


Schools, kindergartens and child care facilities assessed to be at the highest risk of fire are placed on the department’s Bushfire At-Risk Register (BARR). Inclusion on this register is a trigger for the school, kindergarten or child care facility to pre-emptively close on days forecast as Extreme and Catastrophic in their Bureau of Meteorology district, as well as other pre-emptive and preparedness actions in line with their fire risk category. Gembrook Preschool is rated Category 3 and is required to close ONLY on Extreme and Catastrophic rated days or as directed by the Department of Education and Training (DET). On these days, please enact your own family emergency plan.  

Information about the BARR can be found here. https://www.education.vic.gov.au/about/programs/health/pages/bushfirerisk.aspx

Please find below our policies and procedures – click on the item below to view/download