Our Committee


The Gembrook Preschool is proudly managed by a committee of parents; elected by parents attending the Annual General Meeting held in November each year. It is a voluntary committee responsible for the day to day running of the centre and the budget, which includes payment of the educators. Our dedicated committee works passionately in fostering extra revenue for resources through fundraising and grants, enrich community engagement and involvement through community events and communications, and behind the scenes maintenance to support Gembrook Preschool and Educators. 

Committee meetings are held at the kindergarten at a regular monthly date, agreed upon by the current committee. These meetings provide a forum to share ideas, contribute to discussions and decision making about the management of the pre-school and develop an understanding of what is happening within the preschool, with educator’s reports also presented. All parents, whether Committee members or not, are welcome to attend these meetings to gain an understanding of the management process.

Meet our diligent committee members below. 

Julia Prout


I am so privileged to be the President of Gembrook Preschool in 2024. I have served on the Committee of Management in the Executive team for several years and it has been a wonderful opportunity to build community connections and lasting friendships. Both of my daughters have attended Gembrook Preschool and becoming a committee member has allowed me to support the preschool and the success of the service. I initially joined the committee to broaden my social connections, but have gained so much more through my involvement in this amazing community preschool. 

Caitlin McNeil

Vice President 

I joined the committee of management in the secretary role towards the end of 2023, and have since been Vice President during 2024. My main reason for joining the committee is because Gembrook Preschool, the educators and the preschool families; have been absolutely wonderful to our family, and in particular to my son, during our time at the preschool. Being on committee was my way of being able to give back to the preschool. It’s also been a great opportunity to meet people and form connections within the community. 

Jordan Mepstead


I am currently serving as the Treasurer for 2024. Prior to this role, I spent two years on the committee, mainly involved in fundraising. Three of my children so far have all attended and thrived at our wonderful kinder. I initially joined the committee to become more engaged in their learning journey, but it has turned into a rewarding experience where I’ve been able to actively support our kinder, committee, educators and children.

Mel Wheeler 


I joined the Gembrook Preschool Committee of Management in 2024 with the aim of meeting other parents and members of the community. I enjoy providing input that influences the children journey and contributing to the success of the preschool. 

Committee Roles 

Grants and Projects:
– Peta Barnett

Liaise with committee and staff regarding possible projects

Seek relevant grants and submit applications. If grant is successful, organise completion of project (often in collaboration with Cardinia Shire Council) – may require delegation to other committee members

– Toni Kent

  • Maintain & update the Preschool’s newly completed website as required
  • Setup, maintain and troubleshoot all internals emailing
  • Previous IT experience is desirable, but not required

– Kaite Saunders

  • Coordinate and distribute monthly or quarterly newsletter,
  • Communicate to families via Storypark as requested,
  • Administer the Preschool external Facebook account, and general marketing materials,
  • Distribute pamphlets/brochures as required by committee and staff

– Lisa McQuilten

  • Ensure outdoors are kept in a safe condition (minor repairs of outdoor equipment, as required)
  • Lawn mowing & edging, pruning trees & plants, maintaining paths & weed removal
  • Assist in planning working bees (approx. 2-3 per year)
  • Ensure indoors are kept in a safe condition (Repair of indoor equipment/toys, as required)

Book Club:
– Collette Adams

  • Distribute Book Club order forms 
  • Collate orders and distribute completed orders 

– Nadia Davison and Brooke Wende

  • Plan fundraising activities – approximately two fundraising activities per term 
  • Major fundraising activities organised with the assistance of the whole committee and other volunteers (eg. Mother’s & Father’s Day Raffles; Parent’s only social function) 
  • Report back to Committee regarding the viability of the fundraising activities 

Community Events:
– Renee Isbister and Shannon Walker

  • Plan community based events and activites
  • Major activities organised with the assistance of the while committee and other volunteers (eg. Bunnings Sausage Sizzle; Light Up Gembrook)

– Rachael Quill and Grace Gooren

  • Ensuring our Preschool is utilising sustainable resources
  • Implementing recycling systems (eg. General Recycling; Used pens and textas)

General Committee: 
Emma Brown, Lauren Williams, Emma Brown, Abbey Benham, Carla Crowley and Rebecca Anderson