Multi-Age Grouping 1st Year



Sessional 3 year old kinder- 15 hours total each week, max 3.5 hours of nature play based program on Wednesday mornings.
  • The children are allocated into either Wattle or Banksia groups.
  • The programs each week are designed to extend on children’s interests, skill levels and challenges to support their development over the entire year.
  • We provide information sessions, detailing how the sessions will run, and how to settle your child into kinder. It is a great opportunity to spend time with the educators to discuss expectations for the year and important regulatory requirement.
  • Parents, Carers or Family Members are encouraged to help once per term, ideal opportunity to discuss how your child is progressing, any concerns, questions etc.


  • In the beginning of the year the first year students will engage in a short transition program, allowing the children time to settle into the centre in smaller groups. We have created smaller groups sessions so we can spend 1:1 time with families to prepare for your transition into kinder. 
  • On our first day together we become familiarised with the Centre, where things are, what to do to sign in and we ask you to participate in our parent information session. During this session, the children choose where to keep their bags, find the toilets, hats, sinks etc.

  • If your child finds the transition into kinder challenging we will work with you closely to develop a strategy to assist your child to settle and have a positive start to kinder.