• A large bag/backpack, easy to open and close and spacious enough for lunch box, drink bottle, artwork, spare clothes etc. Please label all your child’s belongings with their name.
  • Healthy food to eat at snack time and lunch if applicable
  • A drink bottle of water (Cordial, juice and soft drinks are not recommended)
  • A coat and warm hat in Terms 2 and 3 or as weather requires
  • Spare change of clothing. We only have a small supply of spare clothing at kinder, so please put some in your child’s bag even if it is unlikely, they will have an accident. They are usually much happier in their own clothing if a change is required

From September through to April and when advised by the sunsmart program, all children and staff must wear hats and sunscreen when outside. Gembrook Preschool provides hats for all children, they are colour coded for each group and have children’s names on them and are hung in their bag locker. We ask children bring a roll on sunscreen (labelled) to keep at kinder in their hat pocket. This supports children’s independence to be able to apply it themselves, as a roll on is easiest to apply. We also ask children arrive at kinder with sunscreen already applied as they often have the option to go straight out for outdoor play.

Everyone has a different communication style and time for communication. We understand that mornings and afternoons can be a little rushed, and not the best time to discuss your child’s day. We have many types of communication we use for families, which include:

  • Story Park -a secure online network of the people that matter most for your child. It helps working parents, far-away family, educators and specialists ensure children receive the best opportunities possible. Visit www.storypark.com for more details
  • Facebook 
  • Phone calls
  • Regular Interviews
  • Regular Newsletters
  • and more… 

If your child is unwell they cannot attend kinder until they are well again. This includes a runny nose or cough. If they have vomiting or diarrhoea our policy is children cannot attend until 48 hours after the last episode.

If your child becomes unwell while at kinder a parent or another person on the contact list will be called to pick them up.

We can only administer prescription medication to your child at kindergarten if it is recorded in the medication book each day it is required. It is essential that any medication remains in the original container and is clearly labelled with your child’s name and the dosage required. Please hand this to educators at the beginning of the session. Medication MUST NOT BE LEFT IN YOUR CHILD’S BAG. If your child is on short term medication, please consider whether they are well enough to be attending kinder for that period.

Children’s safety and wellbeing is paramount so it is vital that we are aware of any allergies, asthma or anaphylaxis prior to your child beginning kindergarten. Families are required to explain any allergy, asthma or anaphylaxis on the enrolment form as well as provide us with a completed Action plan from your doctor. The Action Plan is to be updated every 12 months. Asthma Australia or ASCIA are good websites for plan templates, or contact the kinder and we can provide a blank template. Gembrook Preschool staff follows procedures that minimise risks across asthma, allergies and anaphylaxis. This involves completing a risk minimisation and communication plan in consultation with parents. Parents are required to provide any medication, Epipen, asthma puffer and spacer for their child to be kept onsite for their child with their action plan.

Numbers change every year depending on the need of the community. Please contact our friendly staff for more information. 

Gembrook Preschool is dedicated to working closely with families to understand children’s specific developmental or medical needs. We encourage families to be open with us so we can support children to the best of our abilities. We are happy to work with external agencies your child may be working with to ensure a collaborative and consistent approach to their learning.

Children with additional needs who are attending kinder programs at Gembrook Preschool may be eligible for additional support within the Kindergarten environment. This may include additional training for existing staff, equipment specific to your child’s needs or an additional assistant being allocated to the group. We encourage you to contact us at your earliest convenience to discuss your child’s specific needs so we are able to access the best supports available.

Gembrook Preschool recognises and supports every child’s developmental journey. We strongly encourage families to have commenced toilet training prior to attending kindergarten. Gembrook Preschool staff will encourage and nurture this development to promote a positive outcome.

Occasionally students will have an accident- which will be handled with utmost sensitivity and discretion. We do ask that families pack a spare change of clothes in their bags if children require changing.

Please contact Gembrook Preschool if you have any concerns or queries regarding your child’s toileting. Staff strive to support all children and their families in ensuring transition to kindergarten is successful and positive.

Check with your teacher or educators but we are often on the lookout for recyclable items for the rooms. Clean and empty food containers/ small boxes, ribbons, fabric, wrapping paper, towel tubes, paper or anything interesting from your work is much appreciated.

Including your family in our kindergarten program and sharing the experience with you and your child is vital to our practice. Family inclusive practice provides the opportunity for you to experience firsthand what your child is doing at preschool, meet their friends and get to know the parents and educators. Please visit ‘Our Story’ page on our website for more ways to be involved.

  • Working bees
  • Supporting fundraising efforts
  • Collecting recyclable materials such as milk cartons, meat trays, boxes, ice cream containers, cardboard rolls etc.
  • Grandparents are welcome to attend bush kinder
  • Special skills to share with the children are welcome
  • and more. Please refer to ‘our story’ page on the website.

Please speak with the educators about how you would like your child to celebrate their birthday.  If you would like to distribute invitations to your child’s party at kinder, we ask that you please do so by placing these in the notice pockets as children can become distressed if they are being handed out to individuals and they do not receive one.

Although it is not a requirement, some families like to provide a treat to share for their child’s birthday. We encourage families to provide non food items wherever possible such as a balloon, party hat, bubble blowing etc. If you would like to provide cupcakes to share we ask that you advise staff so that we can ensure alternative treats are available for children with specific dietary requirements.

The preschool will be closed on all Catastrophic (Code Red) days and all extreme days in accordance with the Emergency Management Policy. As much as we make every effort to notify families as early as possible, information relating to fire risks, are not always available until the day of the session. Parents will be notified of any centre closures via phone, email, SMS and Storypark. It is extremely important to ensure that the Preschool has your most up-to-date contact details.

Of equal importance is your families’ own fire plan. The committee is not advocating a particular plan, but we do stress that if your plan is to leave, please follow your plan rather than attend kinder.

Please note that Gembrook Preschool does not have a plan to relocate in the event of a bushfire.  Given the geography of Gembrook and the limited main road access in and out of the town, it appears that in the event of a threatening bushfire, the township remains a safer alternative than attempting to leave, unless assisted by emergency services.

It is the opinion of the Committee that relocation is an appropriate alternative to remaining on the premises if, and only if, assistance or advice is provided by emergency services or the DEECD to relocate the children, educators and volunteers.

An information session will be held for all families, together with educators at which our emergency procedures will be discussed. These procedures are reviewed annually, and you will have an opportunity to ask questions and offer any ideas at this session. Practice evacuation plans are carried out with the children each term during the year to ensure educators and children are familiar with the procedures, in case of the unlikely event that an emergency takes place.